The Ultimate Teacher
Everybody needs a teacher. A baby needs to learn how to sleep, walk, and eat solid foods. A child needs to learn how to speak and write.
In every season of life, we need teachers to help us grow in knowledge and wisdom. While there’s a lot we can learn from people, we need to learn to grow spiritually as well—and God has given us the tools necessary to grow in every season.
God’s Word was given to teach us about God. As we read Scripture, we can see God’s character in how He interacts with His people over the span of history. We can learn about God’s laws and the ways in which He desires His people to live. We can also learn about ways in which we can love those around us.
We are also given the Holy Spirit who lives within us. Part of the Holy Spirit’s role in our lives is to instruct us and guide us into righteous living. Righteousness is living according to God’s way. The Spirit teaches us about God’s heart and desires for our life.
All of these things help us grow spiritually. Just as a parent uses every method possible to help their child grow, so also God uses many ways to help us grow spiritually, because He loves us.
God doesn’t grow angry with us when we mess up. He doesn’t grow tired of us when we make a mistake. He continues to teach us and counsel us because of His great love for us.
However, we can’t learn from God if we’re not spending time with Him. In order to grow spiritually, we must be in His Word daily. And we need to be talking to Him in prayer.
Take some time today to spend time with God and study His Word. Talk with God about where you are in life, and what you want to learn from your relationship with Him.
Who Are You Living For?
Saul had it all. He knew the right people, had the right job, and came from the right place. Only one problem—He was a violent opponent to the followers of Jesus. He’d specifically seek them out to imprison or kill them.
One day, Saul was traveling to the city of Damascus to arrest followers of Jesus and bring them to Jerusalem. Suddenly, a bright light appeared before Saul. Falling to the ground, he heard Jesus ask, “Why do you persecute me?” After this encounter, Saul was blind for three days. God instructed Ananias to restore Saul’s sight.
Saul’s encounter with Jesus began a radical transformation in His life. No longer was he interested in making life difficult for followers of Jesus, but he was eager to join them! Eventually, Saul became known as the Apostle Paul—who traveled great distances to share the Gospel. He also wrote a large portion of the New Testament.
Paul’s new life was very different from the one he left behind. Instead of holding ...