Trust and Obey
Books • Pets/Animals • Spirituality/Belief
This community is to share the Love of Christ. Discuss scripture and how it relates to the world today. I will be telling you about how scripture has changed my life.

I will share about Christian books I have read or listened to. 

I will be sharing about my life before and after Christ. I will include stories about my pet and other pets I have encountered.
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April 07, 2023
First Song at the Good Friday Communion Service
November 19, 2021
Twenty-Three Years Ago On This Date.
November 17, 2021
That just happened
Christmas Tradition

Who is willing to try and read the entirety of the Gospel of Luke before Christmas?

I know that this is short notice but I find it very fulfilling when I do this during the Christmas season.

And do worry if you miss a day. There is plenty of time to catch up. I know there were a few years that I had to read a couple of chapters a night to catch up. Life happens.

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Philippians 2:7-8 / Verse of the Day & Daily Devotion

What Jesus Did

If you had access to all the luxuries you could dream of, would you voluntarily give them up? If you had riches beyond your wildest imagination, would you lay them all down for someone you love? 

That’s what Jesus did.

“He gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT

Jesus gave up His divine privileges, temporarily, so that He could be with His people. So that He could pay their debt and redeem them back to Himself. 

Because of that, God “elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names.” (Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬ NLT‬‬)

So if you consider yourself to be a follower of Jesus, you are naturally called to follow Him. To reflect His love. And to, daily, die to yourself.

Though the call to die to oneself can be ...

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