Trust and Obey
Spirituality/Belief • Books • Pets/Animals
This community is to share the Love of Christ. Discuss scripture and how it relates to the world today. I will be telling you about how scripture has changed my life.

I will share about Christian books I have read or listened to. 

I will be sharing about my life before and after Christ. I will include stories about my pet and other pets I have encountered.
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April 28, 2023
Psalm 27:4 - Daily Devotion

The Presence of God

The writer of Psalm 27 is intentionally focusing on one of the most important aspects of our spiritual life. Throughout Scripture, we learn about the importance of the presence of God.

It is in the presence of God that we find strength and hope (Psalm 27:1). It’s also in God’s presence that our enemies lose their power over us (Psalm 27:2-3).

In Psalm 27:4 the writer of the Psalm expresses his desire to dwell within the house of the Lord, to gaze upon God’s beauty and be in His presence in the temple. In the Old Testament, the presence of God was primarily within the temple. But through spending time with God, the Psalmist found hope and restoration for his soul.

Thanks to Jesus, God’s presence is no longer confined to the temple. His presence is now available to us through the Holy Spirit who dwells within believers. We now have access to God’s presence at any time.

Just like the writer of the Psalm desired to dwell within God’s presence, we also should desire to be with God as much as possible. It is in God’s presence that we find hope, joy, beauty, and the restoration of our weary souls.

It is important that we spend time with God each and every day. We can do this through regularly reading Scripture and reflecting on what we read. We can also spend time in prayer, talking to God about what is happening in our life. Another way to spend time in God’s presence is to simply be aware that He is with you through your daily tasks each day.

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1 Corinthians 10:13 / Verse of the Day & Daily Devotion

A Way Out

Life is full of difficulties and challenges. Especially as Christians, our desire to follow God’s paths for our lives can sometimes go directly against what our culture tells us to do. Living according to God’s way can be particularly difficult because of various temptations that might cause us to get distracted.

1 Corinthians 10:13 acknowledges that we will all experience temptation. It also does not promise that all of our temptations will be easy to overcome.

But it also says that God promises to be faithful to help us through whatever temptations we face. God will provide a way for us to escape every temptation. God will strengthen us so we can endure through trials.

God has given us instructions and a pathway for right-living in His Word. Everything that we need in order to live a healthy, godly life is included in Scripture.

Paul, the author of the letters to the church in Corinth, cautions his readers not to be prideful in their spiritual life. When we are prideful, we can ...

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