“Keep thy heart with all diligence; For out of it are the issues of life.”
Proverbs 4:23 KJV,https://bible.com/bible/1/pro.4.23.KJV
It’s Him—In Us
Think about it: God made you. God put you here, at this specific time in history. God has a plan and purpose for your life.
Not only that, but He gave you a brain that thinks, a heart that beats, and lungs that breathe. He gave you talents and abilities, hopes and desires. He gave you ears and eyes, muscles and ligaments. And He positioned you on this planet that happens to be in the ideal position in our solar system for life to thrive.
You are a part of God's plan.
A mysteriously beautiful part of God’s plan is that He chooses to work through His people…
“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”
Philippians 2:13 NLT
Everything starts with God and comes from God. But we get to choose if we’ll listen to His Spirit and follow where He leads, or ignore Him. We get to decide if we’ll submit to His nudges and act on His promptings, or try to do it on our own.
It’s all God, but it’s also Him ...