Rest for the Weary
Are you carrying an impossibly heavy burden? Are you trying to manage a massive load all by yourself? Are there wounds and worries that are weighing down your soul?
It doesn’t have to be this way …
“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30 NLT
Jesus wasn’t saying to come to Him and do nothing. He’s not saying to quit your job and abandon your life and move to a deserted island. This isn’t a call to be idle, but an invitation to rest—and to work from rest.
A yoke is a device used for joining two animals together for a purpose like farm work—for plowing a field or pulling a heavy load. As always, two are stronger than one.
Jesus’ mention of the yoke implies there is still work to be done, but we don’t have to do it alone.
You have a Savior who is humble and gentle, whose compassion is deep and whose love is wide. He is so wild about you that He left the glories of heaven and became human to suffer and die—in order that you might live.
We must draw near to the One who carried the biggest burden of all—the sin and rebellion of the world. The One who conquered death and defeated the grave will eventually redeem all things … once and for all.
God longs for us to come close, to fall in step beside Him, and to lean into His grace. Why? Because we thrive when we live and work from a place of genuine rest.
He’s inviting you to come. Will you? If you’re not sure where to start, simply ask Him for help.
Peace That Stays
Everyone wants peace. In the world, in our homes, and in our hearts. In difficult times, we seek comfort. In heartbreaking moments, we want a peace that remains steady despite the circumstances.
The Bible teaches about this kind of peace. Philippians 4:7 describes the peace of God. No amount of self-talk or meditation can manufacture this kind of peace—it only can come from God Himself. Preacher and theologian Charles Spurgeon described this kind of peace as the perfect calm and happiness of God, who is always content.
This peace transcends all understanding. It's the idea that something goes beyond our normal way of thinking. That is a beautiful description of what God’s peace does. It exceeds our understanding and surpasses anything we could expect or imagine. It also guards and protects our hearts and minds.
How do we get this kind of peace? The surrounding verses in Philippians offer guidance. Philippians 4:6 tells us to take every anxious thought and turn it into a ...