The Importance of Unity
What does unity mean to you? In a chaotic and divided world, sometimes the word “unity” can sound like something irrelevant, something that just can’t work in the broken world we live in. Division is nothing new. In fact, it was a challenge very early in church history and something the apostle Paul addressed head-on.
In 1 Corinthians 1, we see that Paul had received reports that believers in Corinth were segmenting themselves based on who shared the gospel with them. They said things like, “I am of Paul,” or “I am of Apollos,” or, “I am of Christ.” Rather than being united as one body of Christ, they were dividing themselves into smaller groups and factions.
Paul was very moved by this. In 1 Corinthians 1:13 he asks them these simple questions: “Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul?” Paul didn’t want the believers of Corinth to get lost in comparisons and separations. He wanted them united under Christ: one King, one Gospel.
Paul brought them back to the only thing that matters: salvation is from Christ alone. Without Christ, there is no unity. But under Christ, we can be united in a way that the world has never seen or understood.
In a world of fighting and division, the body of Christ gets to show the power of the Gospel. We are united, focused on Christ and only Christ.
Peace That Stays
Everyone wants peace. In the world, in our homes, and in our hearts. In difficult times, we seek comfort. In heartbreaking moments, we want a peace that remains steady despite the circumstances.
The Bible teaches about this kind of peace. Philippians 4:7 describes the peace of God. No amount of self-talk or meditation can manufacture this kind of peace—it only can come from God Himself. Preacher and theologian Charles Spurgeon described this kind of peace as the perfect calm and happiness of God, who is always content.
This peace transcends all understanding. It's the idea that something goes beyond our normal way of thinking. That is a beautiful description of what God’s peace does. It exceeds our understanding and surpasses anything we could expect or imagine. It also guards and protects our hearts and minds.
How do we get this kind of peace? The surrounding verses in Philippians offer guidance. Philippians 4:6 tells us to take every anxious thought and turn it into a ...