Trust and Obey
Books • Pets/Animals • Spirituality/Belief
This community is to share the Love of Christ. Discuss scripture and how it relates to the world today. I will be telling you about how scripture has changed my life.

I will share about Christian books I have read or listened to. 

I will be sharing about my life before and after Christ. I will include stories about my pet and other pets I have encountered.
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1 Corinthians 15:58 / Verse of the Day & Daily Devotion

Victory in Christ

Jesus’ death and resurrection is at the core of the Christian faith. It is because of Jesus that we experience the free gift of salvation. Jesus’ death not only makes up for all of our wrong doing, but it also gives us the opportunity to have a relationship with God.

However, there are many other benefits that came through Jesus’ death and resurrection. One aspect that Paul focuses on in 1 Corinthians 15 is the victory that comes through Jesus.

Scripture says that Jesus’ death not only took care of our sin problem, but He also defeated the power of sin. That means we can experience abundant life by the power of the Holy Spirit living within us.

Jesus’ death and resurrection also defeated the consequence of our sin, which is death. We no longer need to fear death because Jesus has power over it. He came back from the dead, and now He gives eternal, abundant life to those who believe in Him.

This is why Paul encourages his readers to stand firm in their faith. Victory ...

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“And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me. Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done. And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept. And if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you. So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭9‬-‭15‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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