Masterpieces in Process
There’s a verse in Proverbs that’s often quaintly quoted when referring to a close friendship or marriage…
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17 NIV
Yes, we want to encourage each other, cheer each other on, and sharpen each other emotionally, physically, and spiritually. But when you truly think about the implications of such a description, this verse is anything but quaint.
Iron is sharpened through heat and friction, through cutting and slicing. As it is beaten, it is reshaped into something beautiful and purposeful and even better than before.
Sharpening is purposeful, but it can also be painful. It’s intentional friction that often results in a purer, stronger, sharper character. We aren’t sharpened by thoughtless, careless, or unintentional relationships, but we are sharpened by those who lovingly help chip away the excess junk—who can recognize and visualize the masterpiece God wants us to become.
We can be sharpened by mentors, pastors, spouses, teachers, and friends. But we can also be sharpened by the dearest friend we have—the Holy Spirit. The part of God who’s considered the third “person” of the Trinity, the One who does the refining work. The Holy Spirit is like a personal and professional metal-worker who is skilled and deliberate, focused and detailed, trustworthy and true.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
When we surrender to God’s refining work inside of us, we can help others see the work of art in themselves. So today, allow God to sharpen you. Ask Him to reveal the parts of your life that need to be refined, and then surrender to the work He wants to do inside you.
Becoming Like Christ
Scripture tells us that we who belong to Christ are now ambassadors for Christ. As ambassadors, we are tasked with two things: the mission of God and the character of Jesus.
The goal this passage sets out for us sounds pretty simple: to become more and more like Jesus in the way that we act, think, and feel, and to also accomplish the purposes that God has for our life. We are tasked to accomplish the work of God in the way He wants it done, following the "word of truth," or the Bible.
As Christians, we should strive to be like Christ. We want to have the same mind and attitude that He had. Paul’s encouragement to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:15 reinforces that mindset about our character. In the midst of a culture that is grumbling and fighting, act like Jesus.
In this letter, Paul tells Timothy not to be ashamed of his past, but instead to let his past be a testament to how Jesus has changed his life. Your past is part of your story, and it’s not something to be ashamed ...